Labia Majora Augmentation

Labia Major Augmentation in Miami is a procedure where fat grafting can be used to augment the area and thus giving it more youthful and healthy look.

With aging and post pregnancy or weight reduction surgery patient may have volume loss in the genital area especially in the labia majora.

If you suffer from volume loss in the outside pubis area and the labia major that causing old and atrophic look, then Dr. Abeer Sawwaf will assess if you will benefit from labia majora augmentation with fat grafting.

It can be done alone or along with labia minor reduction and vaginal tightening. And thus it can be done under local, general or regional anesthesia. It takes around 30-40 mins. Dr. Abeer Sawwaf will assess if you are a good candidate and plan the areas to be injected.

Then plan the site of fat that is harvested mainly from the abdomen around the umbilicus.

Under local anesthesia and using the aseptic technique a tumescent fluid is injected in the area to be liposuctioned.And then the fat is collected manually and processed to have the refined fine fat cells.

Then the fat is infiltrated in the areas in small amounts using Coleman cannula.

The area will be swollen and bruised for few days, maximum a weak. The doctor might prescribe, pain meds and antibiotics as needed.

Local care with ice, and anti-bruising cream for few days.

The final outcome is seen in 6 weeks, some of the fat will be resorbed and might need touch or red0 in 2-3 years.

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