Implant Exchange Surgery

Implant Exchange Surgery is a surgical procedure in which your previously implants are replaced with new ones. This procedure is a good choise if you have had breast augmentation surgery in the past and wish to change your existing implants for various reasons.

Some individuals may decide that they want to change their breasts’ size, shape, or profile, and they opt for new implants.

Breast implants, particularly saline and older silicone implants, can rupture or leak over time. which can lead to changes in breast appearance and potential health concerns, necessitating implant replacement.

Dr Abeer Sawwaf in Miami can do Implant Exchange Procedure where through small incision on the breast line, she can remove the old implants and the tissue (capsule) that forms around it and replace the implant with a new choice of gel or saline.

After Implant Exchange Surgery, additional lateral tacking might be done to bring the new implants more medial resulting in a nicer aesthetic cleavage.

Post op surgical bras is worn for 6 weeks. Also no heavy lifting is recommended for 6 weeks.

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