Nipple Eversion

Nipple Eversion is when the nipples point inward toward your breast instead of sticking out. Inverted nipples are usually just harmless variations of healthy breast anatomy.

If you have this variation then Dr Abeer can help you with this problem surgically.

The procedure can be done in association with Breast Augmentation.

Sutures are used to hold the nipple up.

Follow up is needed for wound care and suture removal.

Down time is only few days.

If you gave multiple births and had laxity you might be a good candidate. Dr. Abeer will assess you and offer what is best for you.

this procedure usually done under regional or general anesthesia, takes 1-2 hours, the patient can go home the same day.

After the Nipple Eversion you should take pain control for one week. And apply a wound care with wash and local creams. Usually you can resume normal activity after one month.

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